Airports - Terminals
When you enter flight information for a trip, there is a drop-down in the Flight Information screen where you can (optionally) select the Terminal for the flight.
This list of terminals is set globally in Maintenance, under System Default Configuration…Misc tab.
This list of terminals is set globally in Maintenance, under System Default Configuration…Misc tab.
Note that in this default list, it starts with ;;; -- that is so that a blank space appears before the list of terminals in the selection, so you can pick the blank (i.e. no terminal).
We recognize that different airports can have different terminal options…and this is easy to configure.
In Maintenance, under Maintain…Airports…you can select an airport and add terminals specific to that airport.
We recognize that different airports can have different terminal options…and this is easy to configure.
In Maintenance, under Maintain…Airports…you can select an airport and add terminals specific to that airport.
Then, when that airport is selected in the Flight Info window of a reservation, only the terminals associated with that airport are shown.
Tip: Notice how the list starts with “;;;” before the first Terminal, rather than starting right with “A”. The reason for this is so that there is a null (blank) terminal at the top of the list—so you aren’t forced to pick one.
Tip: Notice how the list starts with “;;;” before the first Terminal, rather than starting right with “A”. The reason for this is so that there is a null (blank) terminal at the top of the list—so you aren’t forced to pick one.